Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Joke’s on you Leftists

I find it fascinating that the Marxist Left is freaking out over a movie that is, in all likelihood, going to contain elements they would normally like. The upcoming Joker film is already causing a stir because it’s supposedly going to cause Incel violence or something ridiculous like that. In truth, The Joker movie may be holding up a mirror to them that makes them wildly uncomfortable.

Allow me to explain.

First, the freak out over Incels is understandable. Not too long ago, a young man in California named Elliot  Roger stabbed three people, and shot four people, while injuring 13 others. This act was celebrated by a Canadian named Alek Minassian who proclaimed that an Incel revolt had begun and that the “Chads and Stacey’s” (good looking people) will be overthrown. This is the first time that term went mainstream. At the time, I took the opportunity to research what an Incel is by reading their own manifestos. No one else did. The Left has adopted that as their favorite insult, and are flinging the insult Joker’s way at present. But what is it?

An Incel is someone who is involuntarily Celibate. People think it’s an army of young white, privileged males, but it was actually started by a woman named Alana. Although the movement has attracted some white supremacists (an ideology that isn’t inherently right-wing, despite the slanders of the Left), it is not, in fact, exclusively white, and never was. Their message boards on Reddit and 4Chan have quite a mix of men and women of all races and ethnic backgrounds who claim the label Incel. What it is, is a collection of people who have not had good luck in relationships, and have decided to rage against good looking people, which they call Chads and Stacys. Eerily similar to the third wave feminist who is waging war against men for exactly the same reasons. Also similar to the Men Going Their Own Way Movement (MGTOW)… for all the same reasons.

All of these groups view themselves as aggrieved and victimized by an oppressor. With the exception of MGTOW, these groups are also looking to government to solve their problems, and here is where the mirror the Far Left is being made to look into is going to get really uncomfortable. Incels are calling for the Socializing of sex. You read that right. They are Socialists too. And look, they aren’t the only socialists who think they have the right to another person’s body. How many Left Wing activists, like Riley J Dennis,  have we seen in recent years call men bigots for not wanting to date women who aren’t genetically female? If you cannot control what you're attracted to, what right does anyone have to dictate to you who you will be with? But I digress. I bring this up only to show there is a common strain of thought between Incels and Left-Wing extremist on this issue… even if you are not attracted to them, you will be made to comply. That’s Socialism, baby. Well, one of many forms of it anyway…

At the end of the day, Incels are not Trump voters (though a lot of MGTOW are). They’re solidly Left-wingers who are adding one more demand of the government to the already long list of ridiculous and impossible demands Socialists have. Free housing, free healthcare, free college… free love. The natural evolution of the 1960s sexual revolution… those who were left out of it, now demanding access. That is an Incel. A revolution of angry leftist ugos. So why does the Left love this term so much? Why do they fling it around at everyone and everything? For the same reason they call everyone Nazis.

Nazi, as you should know, is an abbreviation of National Socialist German Workers Party. A race-obsessed socialist group of despots who took away the firearms of their targeted groups, went around dressed in black beating up on people who disagreed with them, all the while claiming that they were victims of an oppressor fighting for justice. Sound familiar? It’s hardly a Right-Wing movement by American standards. In fact, calling the National SOCIALISTS right-wing is flat out disingenuous, if not outright slanderous.

The American Right is concerned with conserving freedom for everyone, and we aim to do that by keeping government too small to be oppressive. But the Left calls us Nazis to shut down discussions and detract from the fact that they are increasingly fascistic themselves.

Incel, similarly, is a term that is better suited to describe the ugos who dress in black and beat people up, while throwing cement laced milkshakes at people, and attack legal detention centers, while calling everyone around them Nazis. Trust me, there’s a reason these guys (nearly universally young, ugly white men) wear masks, and it’s not as much about concealing their identity as it is being ashamed of their ugly mugs and being embarrassed by the fact that none of them can get a date to save their lives.

But what does this have to do with Joker? You ask. Supposedly the plot will follow failed comedian Arthur Fleck as he goes from an ordinary fellow with mental health issues to supervillain. It is assumed, and I say assumed because very few have actually seen the movie, that part of that descent into madness will be a rejection by the character played by Zazzie Beats. That’s probably true, but the film isn’t likely to try and portray the Joker as a character who we should emulate. Yet, if the Lamestream Media is to be believed, we should be in an outright panic that it is… because Incel.

In reality, I’ve seen the plot summary of Joker, and it sounds, to me, like another Marxist anti-capitalist screed. Arthur just can’t get a break, meanwhile The Wayne’s live high on the hog. The Waynes somehow wronged his family and his mother in particular ( or so he believes). Meanwhile, Arthur is brutally picked on because of a tick that causes him to laugh when nervous. Therefore he’s a victim that finally has enough of capitalism and breaks at some point and decides he’s going to stick it to the man… and ends up going too far. This movie was tailor-made for the very people now tearing it apart. Guaranteed. And frankly, I find that hilarious.

In reality, the Right probably won’t like this film due to its likely anti-capitalist message, and the Left won’t like it because, at the same time, it will serve as a warning against Left Wing Extremism. The Social Justice crowd won't take kindly to the idea that you can go too far in opposing Capitalism. The filmmakers likely believe themselves moderate and will tell this story hitting both sides, while encouraging people to stay away from extremes. But what won’t happen is an Incel revolt. To suggest a movie can cause real-world violence is just hysterical nonsense.

That said, as a Batman fan, I'm not sure how forward I am looking to this. First, because Joker is what the real extreme of the real fra right actually looks like. To the far Left is totalitarianism, so the far right isn't Nazi, it's anarchy. Joker is both a Nihilist and an anarchist who had a day so bad he realized that nothing in existence has any meaning. And because nothing has meaning, our morals and codes are meaningless. Joker isn't a mental health patient, he does what he does to try and show the world what a joke everything is. That's what makes him so terrifying. He isn't crazy. He's actually well thought out and reasoned in his belief that nothing matters and nothing is more terrifying than a villain who doesn't believe in anything and doesn't believe that anything, or anyone, matters. if you want to warn about the dangers of the Far-far-right, Joker is how you do it. He is a well-written critique of Randian philosophy taken to a logical extreme. Ironically, even as Batman himself serves as the ideal Randian. The battle between Joker and Batman is a battle between Centrist Randianism and extreme Randianism. It is as interesting a philosophical war as the battle between Charles Xavier and Magneto, another pair with a similar philosophy, but whose approaches to that philosophy lead to wildly different results. To reduce Joker to a sort of remake of Falling Down doesn't sound appealing to me at all because it eschews the philosophical battle for a story of an already mentally unstable man pushed too far by Capitalism... Like Falling Down, but with clown makeup. I'm willing to bet heavily that's what we're getting, and its a movie I believe the Left will enjoy if they can stop freaking out about stupid nonsense and quit trying to cancel everything.

Who knows? It could be a great movie, despite my own concerns. I'm going to see it. I'm not demanding it be canceled even if the plot summary and commercials very much remind me of Falling Down. Besides, in the end, this is just one version of the Joker's story, and don't we all prefer his story be multiple choice?

Rather than demanding censorship of a movie they haven’t seen yet, perhaps the radical left should spend some time looking in the mirror that’s being held in front of them. Cancel culture is the modern book burning, and it's not the religious right doing it, this one is entirely on the Democrats. The Democrats own this par and parcel. The truth is that the Far Left has allowed themselves to become the villains of this story and at some point, someone needs to tell them that, rather than continuing to act as if it’s okay to fear monger and cancel everything.

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